Friday, September 26, 2008

Week Two

I am entering week two of my recovery. I was able to go off the pain medication for a few days which allowed me to feel normal. I feel like I can complete a sentence now and know what I just said.

When I was first told that I was not to do a thing for two weeks, I thought awesome! After day seven I realized that doing nothing is not awesome. It is hard to sit and stare at your house and think of everything you could be doing. Wishing you could jump in the car and run to the store.

I had a few set backs this week. Made two trips to the doctor and then today had to have some blood work done and an ultrasound. The doctor is pleased with the results of the ultrasound. It also put my mind at ease, that I have no internal bleeding, a ruptured bladder or a bowel blockage. As you can tell I have had too much time this week to look up symptoms. The doctors said that I am healing and believes a round of antibiotics should clear up the new problems I am having. They also told me that it will be at least another four weeks before I am totally back to normal.

During this time I have been seeking God and asking Him to teach me something. The past few days have been rough emotionally. I have felt useless and alone at times. Tuesday especially. As always, I called my husband crying. Then I went and got two oreo cookies and my Bible. All week I kept saying -"Teach me Your ways O Lord;" For some reason Ps. 86:11 keeps popping into my mind. So Tuesday I spent some time in pray and seeking God to "teach me".

God is teaching me that I need more patience and to allow others to help me. I am a big control freak. I have a hard time allowing others to step in and help me. I have a hard time asking for help. God has shown me that I can not do everything on my own and to allow others to help.

I have been blessed during this time, I have a wonderful husband that has taken care of me, a sister in law that brings me my Starbucks when I need it the most, and friends that have been providing meals for my family. Plus the many other people that have come by to help with the kids and take me to the doctors.

I am thanking God and praying for each of you. God has blessed me with great family and friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are always happy to help. That is an ongoing offer too. So if you find that your next two weeks are just as crazy, I'd be glad to do some cleaning, help you with groceries, whatever. It may be hard to ask, but it is not hard for others to help.